Get ixart coins for free by following the instructions below
Register on the site, receive 50 ixart coins
For every euro donated through the Crowdfunding campaign you get 2 ixart coins
Invite your friends and receive 50 ixart coins
Log in to your profile every day receive 1 ixart coin
For every euro spent on a product or service on the website you receive 1 ixart coin
For every euro spent on a product or service outside the website you receive 1 ixart coin (when indicated),
For every euro spent on the purchase of ixart.net GIFT CARDS you get 1 ixart coin
Like on Instagram and receive 5 ixart coins (REWARDS PLUS*)
Like on Facebook and receive 5 ixart coins (REWARDS PLUS*)
* REWARDS PLUS, ixart coins from the PLUS program can be sent to your account
Rewards Program
Through the ixart coins received or purchased, numerous prizes can be redeemed by receiving Gift Cards. Choose the one you like best.
With1700 ixart coinreceive a 25 euro Metropolitan Museums Bologna Card
If you choose this prize, contact us once you reach 1700 ixart coins, indicating that you want to redeem this prize.
With1500 ixart coinsreceive a 20 euro Amazon voucher
If you choose this prize, contact us once you reach 1500 ixart coins, indicating that you want to redeem this prize.
With1700 ixart coinreceive a 25 euro Netflix voucher
If you choose this prize, contact us once you reach 1700 ixart coins, indicating that you want to redeem this prize.
With1700 ixart coinreceive a 25 euro airbnb voucher
If you choose this prize, contact us once you reach 1700 ixart coins, indicating that you want to redeem this prize.
With1700 ixart coinreceive a 25 euro airbnb voucher
If you choose this prize, contact us once you reach 1700 ixart coins, indicating that you want to redeem this prize.
With1700 ixart coinreceive a 25 euro airbnb voucher
If you choose this prize, contact us once you reach 1700 ixart coins, indicating that you want to redeem this prize.
With1700 ixart coinreceive a 25 euro airbnb voucher
If you choose this prize, contact us once you reach 1700 ixart coins, indicating that you want to redeem this prize.
With1700 ixart coinreceive a 25 euro airbnb voucher
If you choose this prize, contact us once you reach 1700 ixart coins, indicating that you want to redeem this prize.
Cashback Art Services
Per acquisti di un prodotto o servizio da professionisti in collaborazione con ixart.net puoi ricevere il benefit di una GIFT CARD con codice alfanumerico unico attraverso il quale, puoi accreditare ixart coin al tuo wallet e successivamente riscattare premi.
(solo gli utenti registrati)
Accredita ixart coin sul tuo account dalla GIFT CARD ixart.net. La Gift Card verra regalata ai clienti come benefit da professionisti in collaborazione con ixart.net